BioTe Medical Hormone Therapy

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, is an FDA-approved treatment that has been around since the 1930s and addresses some of the issues that low levels of sex-related hormones cause within an aging body. Primarily, this therapy involves injecting (via pellets, in this case) lab-made hormones that are created from the hormones of plants. Although these plants do not come originally from the human body, on a chemical level, their makeup is the same as human hormones, which is what gives them the “bio-identical” designation.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can come in many forms, including traditional injection via needle, worn patches, topical gels and creams, and the version that BioTe uses — subcutaneous pellets. Hormone therapy can be used to replace estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone within the body. These treatments will vary based on the treatment recommendations made by the providing doctor, as well as by your body’s hormonal needs.

How Does BioTe Treatment Vary Differently By Gender?

Depending on the needs of the person who might need bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, treatment will vary. For women, a patented blend of hormones will be inserted into the hip area after a blood draw to determine eligibility for the therapy. Men will do the same pre-insertion blood draw, however, male BioTe pellet insertion involves testosterone only. The blood test results do take two weeks to receive results for. After injection, pellet insertions last four months for women and six months for men.

Benefits of Pellet Therapy for Men

It is relatively common for men over the age of 60 to experience a decrease in the production of testosterone, and about two in ten men after the age of 60 and three in ten men after the age of 80 experience low testosterone. Some of the more common issues men with low testosterone face include:

Intimacy issues: such as difficulty getting and maintaining an erection, lowered libido, and a small volume of semen

Physical issues: such as hair loss, fatigue, increased body fat, anemia, and decreased muscle and bone mass

Mental issues: such as anxiety, depression, and mood swings
It is often harder for men to recognize the impacts of testosterone levels lowering than with women, as women experience a rapid hormone reduction with the onset of menopause. Pellet therapy allows men to treat the issues associated with lower testosterone levels before the symptoms become a significant issue, as well as treating them after they have become a known issue.

Benefits of Pellet Therapy for Women

Approaching menopause, the body’s estrogen levels are often thrown out of order. Sometimes, this low estrogen sticks around after the completion of menopause, which can cause a variety of issues for women. Some of the more common problems include:

Intimacy issues: such as lower libido, lack of libido, and increase in painful sex due to the body’s inability to create lubricant when aroused

Menopause-related symptoms: such as hot flashes, mood swings, ceased menstruation, and breast tenderness

Mood and mental health issues: including depression, anxiety, fatigue, and trouble concentrating

Physical symptoms: such as headaches, urinary tract infections, and difficulty sleeping

The lengthened release of pellets throughout the body is one of the biggest reasons why women should be interested in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Rather than having to experience repeated (and sometimes painful) treatments over the course of a few years, a full menopause cycle, or even an entire lifetime, these pellets can last months without painful shots and are much stronger than the traditional monthly hormone replacement therapy shots.

Overall Benefits

Bio-identical hormone therapy for men and women has multiple benefits. In addition to treating the variety of physical and mental maladies caused by the body’s natural decline in hormones as well as unnatural hormone declines, choosing BioTe pellet therapy for women or men is choosing to treat the body naturally. While pharmaceutical hormone therapy treatments, as well as competition, often use non-natural chemical elements, the plant-based, patented therapy blend in BioTe pellets are all-natural. Additionally, pellet insertions are simple processes that work more effectively, hurt less than shots, and last for an extended period. Finally, for hormone therapy to work effectively, doctors often recommend supplementing the treatment with exercise and dietary changes. So, as well as seeing a difference in the way that your body processes hormones, you might notice improvements in other areas of your life with simple and necessary lifestyle changes.

Are There any Downsides to BHRT?

A medical insurance provider does not always cover pellet therapy, but this should not steer those interested in receiving treatment from trying to receive it. Over the long run, this therapy might ultimately reduce the need for surgery as you age. Not only does this provide a benefit to you through the aging process — lowering discomfort and the number of operations your body must go through to maintain itself — but it could also reduce the cost of what both you and your insurance agency ends up paying. Ultimately, it is worth it to at least consult with your doctor about how BHRT with BioTe Hormone Pellets might help you. Each case is different, and therefore must be treated as such.

Please contact Kami Misra FNP-C for additional information at
(507) 990-5200